Component 1
The four compulsory basic modules (BMs) will allow participants to learn the fundamentals of One Health and tools for application. Group work validates the cross-curricular assessment of the first component.
A BM represents 1.5 ECTS credits, 3 days of presence, and 38–45 work hours, incl. self-study and assessment.
Following the BMs in order is recommended, as there are cross-references.
Component 2
Five of the six proposed thematic modules (TMs) can be chosen. The TMs provide more in-depth knowledge of One Health systemic issues. A personal project assessment validates component 2.
A TM represents 1 ECTS credit, 2 days of presence, and 25–30 work hours, incl. self-study and assessment.
It is not needed to follow the TMs in order. There may be cross-references to BMs.
Each module comprises blended learning components, active participatory forms of teaching and case studies and is subject to a learning assessment.