Veterinary Public Health Institute


Dr. Beat Thomann


Department of Clinical Research and Public Health (DCR-VPH)

031 684 57 35
Liebefeld: Schwarzenburgstrasse 161,Gebäude Agroscope U 157 / Bern: Hallerstrasse 6, 3. OG
Universität Bern, VPHI
Schwarzenburgstrasse 155
3097 Liebefeld

SAPHIR – Ökonomische Evaluation neuer PRRS Impftechnologien

Ökonomische Evaluation des Bekämpfungsprogramms für Staphylococcus aureus Genotyp B in Milchviehbetrieben im Kanton Tessin

Tierärztliche Versorgungslage, Leistungsangebot und Bestandesbetreuung bei Rindern und Schweinen in der Schweiz


2017 – present

Postdoc in Animal Health Economics and Veterinary Epidemiology, Veterinary Public Health Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland

2009 – 2011

Lecturer and consultant for animal feeding, breeding and health, College of Agriculture, Inforama Zollikofen, Switzerland


2013 – 2017

PhD in Veterinary Epidemiology, Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary Public Health Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland

Title of PhD thesis:
“Economic and epidemiologic evaluation of animal disease control programs in Switzerland”

2008 – 2009

MSc in Agroecosystem Science, Major in Animal Science, Minor in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Economics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

2006 – 2009

Teaching Certificate in Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

2004 – 2008

BSc in Agricultural and Natural Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland