Veterinary Public Health Institute


Prof. Dr. Gertraud Schüpbach

Head of Institute

Department of Clinical Research und Public Health (DCR-VPH)

031 684 57 30
Liebefeld: Schwarzenburgstrasse 161, Gebäude Agroscope U 159; Bern: Hallerstrasse 6, 3. Stock
Postal Address
Schwarzenburgstrasse 161
3097 Liebefeld

Research Interests:

Zoonotic Diseases

Epidemiology and Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance

Surveillance of Antimicrobial Usage

Clinical Epidemiology


Research Projects:

Anomaly detection in the veterinary antibiotic surveillance system IS ABV

Paratuberculosis in Swiss dairy cattle

Smart Animal Health

NCCS-Impacts of climate change on health



Professional activities:

Reviewer for Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Epidemiology and Infection, Journal of Dairy Science, Animal Health Research Reviews, Animal Welfare and others

Expert for evaluationof research proposals: EU 6th framework, EU Marie Curie, ANIHWA, National research proposals

Member of several EFSA Working Groups on various topics related to antimicrobial resistance

Swiss representative in the extended executive board of the International Society of Animal Hygiene


2007       Lecturership in epidemiology (Habilitation), University of Bern

2004       Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health

2002       Specialist in epidemiology (Fachtierarzt), Tierärztekammer Berlin

1998       Master of Science in epidemiology, University of Illinois, USA

1997       Doctorate ( in theriogenology, Free University of Berlin

1994       DVM (Tierärztin), Free University of Berlin, Germany


2011- present    

Professor of Veterinary Public Health, Head of Veterinary Public Health Institute, University of Bern


Researcher and Group leader, Veterinary Public Health Institute, University of Bern


Senior Researcher at Swiss Federal Veterinary Office, Monitoring Department


Post Doc at Swiss Federal Veterinary Office, Monitoring Department


Research Associate, Division of Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, USA


Research Assistant, Clinic of Reproduction, College of Veterinary Medicine, FU Berlin, Germany

  • European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH)
  • Swiss Forum for Epidemiology and Animal Health (EpiForum)
  • International Society for Animal Hygiene
  • Gesellschaft Schweizerische Tierärzte (GST)
  • Tierärztekammer Berlin
  • Basics of scientific work (veterinary students 1st and 4th year)
  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics (veterinary students 3rd year)
  • Contagious animal diseases and animal welfare (veterinary students 4th year)
  • Courses for Official Veterinarians