Veterinary Public Health Institute


Dr. Sc.Nat., M.Sc. IT Beatriz Vidondo

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Dozentin

Department of Clinical Research and Public Health (DCR-VPH)

031 684 2460
Liebefeld, Scharzenburgstrasse 161, Gebäude Agroscope U 159, NLG 1. Stock
Universität Bern, VPHI
Schwarzenburgstrasse 155
3097 Liebefeld

Research interests

Statistical Analysis, Regression Analysis

Infectious Disease Modelling

Surveillance and Control of Infectious Diseases

Contact Networks, Heterogeneities in Disease Spread

Spatio-temporal Multivariate Outbreak Detection




2003  M.Sc. Software Engineering, Polytechnical University of Rapperswil, CH

1996  Ph.D. in Ecology & Marine Science, University of Barcelone, Spain          

1992 M.Sc. Ecology & Limnology, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

1990 B.Sc (Hons) First Class in Bio-Statistics, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain               



2014 to present    

Veterinary Public Health Institute, University of Bern, CH

2011 - 2014             

Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape, Swiss Federal Institue of Technology, Zurich, CH

2011 - 2004

Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Bern, CH

Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, CH

2003 - 1999

Financial Industry (Actuarial Mathematics), Switzerland

1998 - 1996

Limnological Institute, University of Constance, Germany

1996 - 1992

Center of Advanced Studies (Marine Ecology), Spanish Scientific Council for Research, Blanes, Spain

1991 - 1988

Department of Ecology, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain 

Statistics and Epidemiology (1st and 3rd Year Graduates)

Introduction to Statistics with NCSS

Introduction to Statistics with R

Introduction to Epidemiological Modeling

Coaching on Statistics of Master, Doctoral and Ph.D. students